Rotasız Gezgin Koyu

Rotasız Gezgin Koyu (English translation: Routeless Traveller Bay), located in Sarıyer/İstanbul, is a remote bay to chill out. It is at the very north-east of the European Side.

I sometimes go here to chill out, after work. You can bring your own camping chair or sit on a rock to enjoy the view. There are also some small places to camp. But beware that there are strong winds coming from Black Sea.

Panoramic picture of the camping spaces

Sunset is not as spectacular as it should be: There is a hill that blocks the view. I got a feeling that sunrise should be better, though. Because east side has a more clear view. But never been there early in the morning so it’s only my assumption.


East side of the bay

There are two possible entries to the bay and they are ending with two different bays, which are not connected. Each of the entries are quite narrow. Be careful not to get yourself scratched by the bushes!

First entry hosts the smaller part of the bay. Once you pass the narrow path, nice green view will welcome you. This part also has a small beach but sand is quite rough, though. I sometimes see people swimming in that beach and doing high dives from rocks inside the sea.

Welcoming view

The beach

Some of the rocks to do a high dive

Second part is much more bigger and higher than the sea level. It is not very possible to swim here. But I like this part more because the view is better. There are couple of cliffs which have totally different views. But please be careful when navigating around them because terrain can be quite soft and it can cause catastrophic results.

View from a cliff

There are rocks to sit on and enjoy the view

Where Is It

It is located in Sarıyer/İstanbul Turkey. It is inside the Rumelifeneri Village. If you follow coast side road to the west, you can see entries located at your right. They are quite hidden but you can see other people park their vehicles at the side of the road, in front of both entries. Note that if you see a beach while following that road: You missed the entries, turn back. Or enjoy yourself in that beach, your choice.

Exact coordinates are 41.238938396992964, 29.103902008727104 and Google maps link is

Google Maps snip

There are some public busses that goes to Rumelifeneri Village. Rumelifeneri village hosts last stop terminal for that busses. After that, 10 minute walk is needed. So, it is possible to go there without having a vehicle.

But I suggest going there with your own vehicle at your own pace and listening a relaxed music at the background. Because roads are twisted and has a good view; It is quite peaceful to drive slowly. Be cautious, if you ride a motorcycle though: There are stray dogs near village. Dogs like to hide in blind spots and chase you when you pass them. Either pass them slowly (they will stop chasing you) or hold your legs upwards and throttle pass them. They probably won’t really attack you.