Riva Avenue

Riva Avenue, which is a long road going to Riva is a nice road to drive your motorcycle/car. It is your typical countryside road with opportunities to do some high speed cornering with an OK view. Still, this road is special to me because it was my first countryside route with my first ever motorcycle. After that day, I fell in love with riding in countryside.

It only has handful amount of high speed corners and no low speed corners. Also, corners are quite easy to take, I would say. As you can guess, it is not long to finish as well. Maybe around 10 to 15 minutes.

Even though it is not long nor spectacular, motorcyclist in Istanbul likes this route because it is so close to city and won’t take long to finish. Hell, even one day, I rode this route 1 hour earlier before a meetup with my friends.

Part of the route
Part of the route

Riva Itself

This avenue opens up to Riva: A small district with a beach, parks and views. The district will welcome you with a mosque, blocking the way and forcing you to go right of it. I know my wording sounded quite aggressive but it feels good good and unique. After you pass the mosque, you can pretty much see the district center.

District center
District center

I won’t lie: Views are mediocre. But is acceptable for a quick ride. And I generally rest on the same spot, after a ride.

The view from my favorite spot
The view from my favorite spot

Don’t forget to visit parks and restaurants if you happened to be there.